What Research Tells Us About Academic Preparation

What Research Tells Us About Academic Preparation

This month’s article presents the three major conclusions of what
20 studies tell us about preparing students for mainstream classes. Do
you use all three in your classes?

1.Teach Fully-Integrated Academic Skills

Just as students need to read, write, listen, and speak in a mainstream
classroom, so academic preparation should integrate all four skills. A
complete curriculum includes training in general academic skills and
then focuses in on how these skills are applied in reading textbooks,
listening to lectures, writing essays, and speaking in presentations.

2. …

Use Online Software for Homework (and make it easy)

Using the newest tools available in online software consistently
results in better learning outcomes than relying on pen-and-paper
homework alone. The key to much of the success of online software is
creating personalized experiences and encouraging student reflection.
Experience shows that teachers and students are likely to actually use
online software only if it is easy and does not add more work to a
teacher’s schedule.

3. Use Authentic Texts and Tasks

The closer preparation comes to the real thing, the better. This
applies across all areas of a program. Everything from the features of
reading texts to the types of speaking assignments need to replicate
what students will be expected to do.

A Hybrid Integrated Skills Series

These findings support the curricular design of Pearson’s series ”Academic Connections” and its online component MyAcademicConnectionsLab.

Take a look at this hybrid series:


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