The Value of Longman Bilingual Dictionaries

Tania Saiz-Sousa The
Value of Longman Bilingual Dictionaries

Tania Saiz-Sousa, Marketing Manager

Bilingual Dictionaries are created specifically for students
who are learning English. These dictionaries are equally useful for
students looking to find the meaning of an English word, and for
students looking for the
Spanish equivalents for English words. …

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Why aren’t your students using their dictionaries?

Tania Saiz-Sousa Why
aren’t your students using their dictionaries?
Tania Saiz-Sousa,
Marketing Manager

Your students have varying needs for using a
dictionary ranging from help with spelling, getting a definition,
figuring out how to use a word correctly, and even learning the
word’s origin. With so many valuable reasons for using a
dictionary, why do students hesitate? Students have difficulty if they
can’t spell the word correctly or are unable to understand the

Take a look at this comparison between a popular standard dictionary and the Longman Dictionary of American English. Which definition would your student more easily comprehend?

Brain \brān\ n  The
part of the vertebrate central nervous system, enclosed in the cranium
and composed of gray matter and white matter, that is the primary
center for the regulation and control of bodily activities, the
receiving and interpreting of sensory impulses, and the exercising of
thought and emotion.Â

Longman Dictionary of American English:Â

Brain \breın\ n  The organ inside your head that controls how you think, feel, and move. …

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How Do We Build Our Dictionaries?

Do We Build Our Dictionaries?

The Longman Corpus

Tania Saiz-Sousa, Dictionaries
Marketing Manager

All Longman dictionaries are created using the Longman Corpus Network—a
huge database of 330 million words from a wide range of
real-life sources such as books, newspapers and magazines. All the
information in our dictionaries, including example sentences, is based
on this corpus so you see only real English, as it’s really used.

and Idioms

Why do we usually say “a large amount,” but “a big
problem”? It’s not always easy for learners to know which words
are most naturally used together. The Longman Corpus Network tells us
which words often work together (collocations) and which words occur
together so often that they work as a unit (idioms). Our dictionaries
then pass this information on to learners in easy-to-understand

Dictionaries Are Easy to Understand

Longman invented the Defining
—2,000 of the most
common words—in 1935. These 2,000 words are used to write
the definitions in our dictionaries, so Longman definitions are always
clear and easy to understand.

Common Mistakes

Longman dictionaries are written especially for learners, and we make
sure that they get all the help they need to avoid common mistakes. …

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